A Simple Event Study
Table of Contents
1. Example
Here we are going to cover how to test for a differential effect of one event on two assets. As an example, our event will be the results of the 2020 Presidential election, and our assets will be oil (XLE) and tech (XLK) ETFs. Our null hypothesis is:
There is no difference in the reactions of XLE anf XLF to the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election.
If we are able to reject the null then we have found evidence in favor of a different reaction.
2. Overview
To calculate the effect of the event, we need to be able to calculate what each asset would have done if the event had not occurred. To do this, in an event study there is an estimation period and an event period.
Estimation period:
- begins when you choose and ends, say, 10 days prior to the event.
- you estimate a market model regression (\(R_{E} = \alpha + \beta R_M + e\)) for each ETF over this period, and save the alpha and beta coefficients. \(R_E\) is an ETF, and \(R_M\) is the return on the market.
Event period:
- Calculate daily abnormal returns for each ETF. Abnormal returns are actual returns minus expected returns. \(R_E - \alpha - \beta R_M\) where the alpha and beta are the estimates for that particular ETF.
- Sum the daily abnormal returns into Cumulative Abnormal Returns from 10 days before the event to 10 days after, CAR(-10, 10)
Once you have the CARs for each ETF you can run a t-test for significantly different CARs.
3. Implementation
We'll implement the event study in Python, however R is probably a better choice of language given its built-in statistical capabilities. You can also do this in Excel, though it is more tedious.
First let's load the libraries we are going to use:
import yfinance as yf from time import sleep import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
3.1. Data Preparation
Now we can pull the data and convert it into returns:
spy = yf.Ticker("SPY") spy_price = spy.history(period="max") sleep(5) xle = yf.Ticker("XLE") xle_price = xle.history(period="max") sleep(5) xlk = yf.Ticker("XLK") xlk_price = xlk.history(period="max")
Convert to returns:
spy_ret = spy_price["Close"].pct_change()[1:] xle_ret = xle_price["Close"].pct_change()[1:] xlk_ret = xlk_price["Close"].pct_change()[1:] all_rets = pd.concat([spy_ret, xle_ret, xlk_ret], axis=1) all_rets.columns = ["spy", "xle", "xlk"]
Split into estimation and event windows:
est = all_rets.loc['2020-09-01':'2020-10-19'] event = all_rets.loc['2020-10-20':'2020-11-16']
Let's look at the cumulative returns over the estimation and event windows. This is not required, though it is good to take a look at your data from time to time.
3.2. Regression Estimation
3.2.1. XLE
\[R_{XLE} = \alpha_{XLE} + \beta_{XLE} R_M + e\]
Where \(R_{XLE}\) and \(R_M\) are the returns on the XLE and SPY. Note, \(R_M\) denotes the return on the market portfolio, and we generally use the SPY ETF to proxy for the market.
xle_reg = LinearRegression().fit(est["spy"].values.reshape(-1,1), est["xle"]) xle_alpha = xle_reg.intercept_ xle_beta = xle_reg.coef_[0] print(xle_alpha) print(xle_beta) xle_pred = xle_reg.predict(est["spy"].values.reshape(- 1, 1)) xle_rmse = mean_squared_error(y_true=est["xle"], y_pred=xle_pred, squared=False) print(xle_rmse)
-0.004507238730465367 0.7730119705798506 0.017148482011230558
3.2.2. XLK
\[R_{XLK} = \alpha_{XLK} + \beta_{XLK} R_M + e\]
Where \(R_{XLE}\) and \(R_M\) are the returns on the XLK and SPY.
xlk_reg = LinearRegression().fit(est["spy"].values.reshape(-1,1), est["xlk"]) xlk_alpha = xlk_reg.intercept_ xlk_beta = xlk_reg.coef_[0] print(xlk_alpha) print(xlk_beta) xlk_pred = xlk_reg.predict(est["spy"].values.reshape(- 1, 1)) xlk_rmse = mean_squared_error(y_true=est["xlk"], y_pred=xlk_pred, squared=False) print(xlk_rmse)
-0.00027787940826697445 1.4045779196999413 0.00659011881272826
3.3. Event Abnormal Returns
3.3.1. XLE
xle_ars = event["xle"] - xle_alpha - xle_beta * event["spy"] #print(xle_ars) xle_cars = xle_ars.cumsum() print(xle_cars)
Date 2020-10-20 0.013255 2020-10-21 0.000162 2020-10-22 0.041684 2020-10-23 0.038655 2020-10-26 0.021580 2020-10-27 0.015783 2020-10-28 0.004871 2020-10-29 0.032197 2020-10-30 0.050365 2020-11-02 0.080331 2020-11-03 0.065466 2020-11-04 0.054051 2020-11-05 0.043483 2020-11-06 0.026523 2020-11-09 0.164075 2020-11-10 0.202081 2020-11-11 0.190591 2020-11-12 0.170330 2020-11-13 0.200538 2020-11-16 0.261216 dtype: float64
3.3.2. XLK
xlk_ars = event["xlk"] - xlk_alpha - xlk_beta * event["spy"] #print(xlk_ars) xlk_cars = xlk_ars.cumsum() print(xlk_cars)
Date 2020-10-20 -0.001900 2020-10-21 -0.000472 2020-10-22 -0.012600 2020-10-23 -0.018187 2020-10-26 -0.013651 2020-10-27 -0.003526 2020-10-28 0.002337 2020-10-29 0.005020 2020-10-30 -0.002200 2020-11-02 -0.015139 2020-11-03 -0.022025 2020-11-04 -0.014235 2020-11-05 -0.010286 2020-11-06 -0.006138 2020-11-09 -0.030748 2020-11-10 -0.047051 2020-11-11 -0.033484 2020-11-12 -0.028487 2020-11-13 -0.039168 2020-11-16 -0.046769 dtype: float64
4. Hypothesis Test
4.1. Test Statistic
scar_xle = xle_cars.values[-1] / np.sqrt((xle_cars.shape[0] * xle_ars.values.var())) print(scar_xle)
scar_xlk = xlk_cars.values[-1] / np.sqrt((xlk_cars.shape[0] * xlk_ars.values.var())) print(scar_xlk)
These test statistics have a t-distribution with the length of the event window minus two degrees of freedom. If we had a longer event window (say over 50 days) then we could use a standard normal. We can use these to test whether a CAR is significantly different from 0.
4.2. Test for Significantly Different Means
\[t = \frac{CAR_{XLE} - CAR_{XLK}}{\sqrt{\frac{\hat{\sigma}_{XLE}^{2} + \hat{\sigma}_{XLK}^{2}}{2}}\sqrt{\frac{2}{n}}}\]
test_stat = (xle_cars.values[-1] - xlk_cars.values[-1]) / (np.sqrt( (xle_cars.shape[0] * xle_ars.values.var() - xlk_cars.shape[0] * xlk_ars.values.var()) / 2) * np.sqrt(2 / xle_cars.shape[0])) print(test_stat)
Which is significant at the less than 1% level (see table of values from t-distribution). So we conclude that or evidence indicates that XLE outperformed XLK around the 2020 election results.
5. Counterarguments
But take a look at the daily CARs, it looks like XLE began to outperform on 11/9 which is about 6 days after the election results were released. So I think the event window is too long. We should calculate CAR(-5, 5) and re-test for significance.