Deposit Betas

Table of Contents

1. Deposits

Banks accept deposits (into savings and checking accounts) and use those deposits to fund loans such as mortgages. Deposits are a liability for the bank and the bank pays the floating deposit rate. The loans are assets to the bank, and often they pay a fixed rate.

Banks generally pay deposit rates which are below market short-term interest rates. Therefore banks rely on their deposit franchise for inexpensive funding.

2. Deposit Beta

The Beta of the deposits means the sensitivity of deposit rates to short-term interest rate changes (often the Federal Funds rate).

Beta: the change in deposit rates given a change in short-term interest rates.

2.1. NYU Dataset

Researchers at NYU provide a dataset with the deposit beta for each bank. We can download this data with:

import pandas as pd
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
beta_url = ""
betas = pd.read_excel(beta_url)
                                            name  rssdid   cert  rankpctile  assets_cpi  assets_2022q4   expbeta  depexpbeta
0      JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION  852218    628         100   455048214   3.201942e+09  0.529824    0.468395
1          BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION  480228   3510         100   383877448   2.418508e+09  0.483014    0.408315
2                                 CITIBANK, N.A.  476810   7213         100   341539080   1.766752e+09  0.355254    0.505239
3         WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION  451965   3511         100   275674516   1.717531e+09  0.426680    0.358985
4                 U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION  504713   6548         100    85843162   5.851356e+08  0.442134    0.490802
...                                          ...     ...    ...         ...         ...            ...       ...         ...
11660                                 HUBBELL BK  438854  18796           1        2558            NaN  0.177984    0.237814
11661                 FARMERS ST BK OF YPSILANTI  250252  10240           1        2469            NaN  0.094323    0.044873
11662                               BANK CENTRAL  303055  11774           1        2284            NaN  0.370872    0.446175
11663                              PLATTE CTR BK  670850  16234           1        2126            NaN  0.280005    0.273295
11664                        STATE BK OF LIBERTY   16056  16324           1        1592            NaN  0.265194    0.446431

[11665 rows x 8 columns]

Author: Matt Brigida, Ph.D.

Created: 2024-01-24 Wed 19:45
